This project is implemented with the financial support of the European Union through the European fund for the integration of third-country nationals
The project
Project: „From immigration to integration”, Subsidy contract № BG EIF 2012/01-04.01
Beneficiary: Regional Municipalities Association „Maritza“
Contracting Authority: Employment Agency at the Ministry of labour and social policy
Funding Program: European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals, Annual Programme 2012; Scheme BG EIF 2012/01; Procedure “Integrated scheme for providing grants for the implementation of activities aimed at putting into practice the” Common Basic Principles of Policy integration of immigrants in the EU “and strengthening the capacity to implement these activities” Component 4: Development of techniques for monitoring and evaluation to improve the integration measures
Overall objective: To involve local officials and stakeholders from the public and private sector in activities aimed at integration policies and targeted interventions (such as. supporting training, including in the labor market, cultural mediation, housing, etc.), identified as good practice at European level social inclusion of immigrants.
Specific objectives
Facilitate social inclusion and employment of immigrants by coordinating and integrating activities;
Displaying the main actors – the governing body of the public finances and local authorities, private companies and NGOs and successful experience, realized in benefit of immigrants by providing input on how best to develop a programming framework to support the activities of local administrations and especially how to allocate public funds to support these practices;
Strengthening the capacity for mutual cooperation and effective participation in the integration process by civil society associations, social partners, local authorities, private sector and NGOs, and various immigrant communities;
Conducting consistent and long-term policies to ensure the rights of immigrants and their successful integration into Bulgarian society;
Promoting active exchange of best practices, working mechanisms and information on topics of integration policies.
Target group: The target group of this project are foreign nationals residing in the territory of Haskovo region with the status of immigrants and representatives of local authorities in the region of Haskovo, state institutions in the region, NGOs, business, Bulgarian civil society.
Main activities:
Activity 1: Project Management
Activity 2: Development of handbook with best practices for municipalities, private companies and NGOs to develop effective mechanisms to ensure effective involvement of immigrants in local labor markets
Activity 3: Study on the expected integration of immigrants and their perception of the Bulgarian society – different viewpoints and possible solutions to the question “for” and “against” immigration in Bulgaria
Activity 4: Creating a database of training centers and institutions of immigrants in Bulgaria
Activity 5: Information and publicity – Preparation, printing and distribution of information materials – handbook and a brochure with the results of the study; distribution of information materials to municipalities and government agencies involved in this problem in the region
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“This document is created with the financial support of the European fund for the integration of third-country nationals co financed by the European Union. The whole responsibility for the contents of this Internet site is being born by RMA “Maritza” and under no circumstances it cannot be considered that it presents the official statement of the European Union and the Contracting Authority.”