Executive Agency “Operational Program” Science and Education for Intelligent Growth “launches a procedure for the selection of non-profit legal entities for public benefit, whose representatives to participate in the thematic working group for the development of the” Operational Program for Science and Education “for programmatic period 2021 – 2027 The following groups of non-profit legal entities are invited:
- Organizations working in the field of equality between men and women, non-discrimination and equal opportunities;
- Organizations working in the field of social inclusion and integration of marginalized groups;
- Organizations working in the fields of education, science and culture;
- Organizations working in the field of youth policies;
- Environmental organizations;
- Organizations of local action groups and Fisheries Local Action Groups to implement a ‘Community-led local development. “
Within 15 working days of the date of the invitation announcement, any interested non-profit legal entity from the abovementioned groups may submit a written application to the Executive Director of IA Operational Program “Science and Education for Intelligent Growth” for participation.
The written applications for participation shall be submitted in the following form: 125, Tsarigradsko shose Blvd., bl. 5, Floor 1, Office of the Executive Agency “Operational Program” Science and Education for Intelligent Growth “.
The detailed invitation as well as the necessary documents for filling in are published on the following link: http://sf.mon.bg/?go=news&p=detail&newsId=709