Project:e-METER for Good Governance in Haskovo Region, Grant agreement № BEE.1028.20201202 from 08.12.2020 funded by the AMERICA FOR BULGARIA FOUNDATION under the Program “The Next 10: Supporting Ideas that Matter in the Next Ten Years” in the framework of the Request for Proposals „Good Governance at the Local Level”
- December 2020 – On 08.12.2020 Regional Municipalities Association „Maritza“ signed a Grant agreement № BEE.1028.20201202 with AMERICA FOR BULGARIA FOUNDATION for the purpose of funding of „e-METER for Good Governance in Haskovo Region“ Project in accordance with the submitted application and budget by Regional Municipalities Association „Maritza“ in the framework of the Request for proposals „Good Governance at the Local Level” under the Program “The Next 10: Supporting Ideas that Matter in the Next Ten Years”
- December 2020 – publication about the project in
- December 2020 – publication about the project in
- December 2020 – Facebook page of the project created
- June 2021 – In the period January – June, an online portal was developed and created to enlighten the environment for conducting public procurement on the territory of Haskovo Region. works by presenting up-to-date information about the public procurements, the Assignors and the Contractors on the territory of Haskovo district, by presenting up-to-date statistics and information. A “Procurement Barometer” has been created, which presents information in real time, on a monthly basis and summarized from the start of the project to date, regarding: number of Employers; number of public procurements announced by the municipalities in Haskovo region; number of terminated public procurements by the municipalities in Haskovo region; number of concluded contracts in Haskovo region; contractors who concluded the largest number of contracts; total value of the announced public procurements; list of contractors who have signed contracts with municipalities in the Haskovo Region, with the possibility of direct verification of the relevant contractor in TR and RYULNC and BULSTAT Register.
- July, 2022 – 4 media publications: Second: Link; Link; Third: Link; Link; Fourth: Link; Link; Fifth: Link; Link;
- July, 2022 – Organization of 4 trainings for municipal councilors from Haskovo region
- August, 2022 – Developed 1 monitoring analysis for public procurement of the municipalities in Haskovo Region during the period June 2020 – July 2022
The main activities that will be implemented within the project are:
Activity 1.: Project management;
Activity 2.: Information and publicity;
Activity.3.: Creation of an online portal to enlighten the environment for conducting public procurement on the territory of Haskovo Region;
Activity 4.: Preparation of a monitoring analysis for public procurement in Haskovo Region;
Activity 5.: Increasing the capacity of municipal councilors from Haskovo Region
The total amount of the awarded grant is 74 500 leva and the grant period is for 18-month grant beginning upon signing of the Grant agreement № BEE.1028.20201202.

“Support for the Grantee (Regional Municipalities Association „Maritza“) is provided by the America for Bulgaria Foundation. The statements and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the Grantee (Regional Municipalities Association „Maritza“) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the America for Bulgaria Foundation or its affiliates”
The America for Bulgaria Foundation (ABF) is an independent, nonpartisan, and nonpolitical American grant-making foundation working in partnership with Bulgarians to strengthen the country’s private sector and related democratic institutions.
ABF builds on the success of the Bulgarian-American Enterprise Fund, an investment fund created in 1991 by the U.S. Congress with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development. For more information, please visit