Regional Municipalities Association “Maritza” organizes 4 trainings for municipal councilors, which will be held on July 8, July 14, July 26 and July 29, 2022.
The training is organized within the framework of the project: e-METER for Good Governance in Haskovo Region, Grant agreement № BEE.1028.20201202 from 08.12.2020 funded by the AMERICA FOR BULGARIA FOUNDATION under the Program “The Next 10: Supporting Ideas that Matter in the Next Ten Years” in the framework of the Request for Proposals „Good Governance at the Local Level”.
The trainings are intended for municipal councilors from the Haskovo region, whose powers, according to the legislation, include: 1) current and subsequent control over the implementation of the acts adopted by the Municipal Council; 2) challenging the illegal administrative acts issued by the mayor of the municipality before the relevant administrative court.
The purpose of the trainings is for municipal councilors to be familiar with effective mechanisms for monitoring and controlling the implementation of municipal policies, increasing accountability in the spending of public funds and increasing transparency in the work of local governing bodies.
The series of trainings will be held as follows:
– July 8, 2022 in the city of Zlatograd (Aqua Spa Hotel Zlatograd);
– July 14, 2022 in the town of Zlatograd (Aqua Spa Hotel Zlatograd);
– July 26, 2022 in Belchin Banya, 2025 Belchin (SPA Hotel Belchin Garden;
– July 29, 2022 in Belchin Banya, 2025 Belchin (SPA Hotel Belchin Garden;
You can find the notification and agenda for the training here.

“Support for the Grantee (Regional Municipalities Association „Maritza“) is provided by the America for Bulgaria Foundation. The statements and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the Grantee (Regional Municipalities Association „Maritza“) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the America for Bulgaria Foundation or its affiliates”