Within the project: „Greek Bulgarian Business Partnership by Assistance, Services, Solutions to Promote Open Regions Team” with acronym „GR-BG BUSINESS PASSPORT“, Subsidy contract № B6.3a.07/13.04.2021, financed under the Cooperation Programme “Interreg V –A Greece-Bulgaria” 2014-2020 the 21th issue of the e-newsletter “Development and opportunities for business in Haskovo region” was published.
In this issue you can read about the development of the Institute for Market Economy “Economic Centers in Bulgaria – 2023”. The study also presents the state of the HASKOVO Economic Center. You can see more information about Haskovo on page 3. You can also see up-to-date statistical data for the region and the country.
Regarding current and upcoming financing opportunities suitable for your activity, in this issue we have presented:
- Funding for start-ups and social enterprises
- procedure under the Human Resources Development Program BG05SFPR002-1.004 – Adapted work environment with a deadline of 12/31/2023.
- some measures from the Rural Development Program in the municipalities of Stambolovo, Lyubimets, Ivaylovgrad, Svilengrad
- opportunities to apply under the “HORIZON” program in the field of tourism