Within the project: „Greek Bulgarian Business Partnership by Assistance, Services, Solutions to Promote Open Regions Team” with acronym „GR-BG BUSINESS PASSPORT“, Subsidy contract № B6.3a.07/13.04.2021, financed under the Cooperation Programme “Interreg

The fourth annual community meeting of the America for Bulgaria Foundation – Together We Shine Brighter was held on June 14. The team of the Regional Municipalities Association “Maritza” took

Within the project: „Greek Bulgarian Business Partnership by Assistance, Services, Solutions to Promote Open Regions Team” with acronym „GR-BG BUSINESS PASSPORT“, Subsidy contract № B6.3a.07/13.04.2021, financed under the Cooperation Programme “Interreg

The final events of the project eTOURIST of the Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” were organized in Alexandroupolis, Greece from 25 to 27 May 2022. Representatives of administrations, community centers and business from Haskovo region took

Within the project: „Greek Bulgarian Business Partnership by Assistance, Services, Solutions to Promote Open Regions Team” with acronym „GR-BG BUSINESS PASSPORT“, Subsidy contract № B6.3a.07/13.04.2021, financed under the Cooperation Programme “Interreg

In the prepared by RMA “Maritza” “Survey on: European funding for business in Haskovo region – implemented projects, opportunities, challenges and recommendations” within project: „Greek Bulgarian Business Partnership by Assistance,

As part of the Project: “Protecting biodiversity at NATURA 2000 sites and other protected areas from natural hazards through a certified framework for cross-border education, training and support of civil protection

In the period February 13-15, the partners of the eTOURIST project took part in the ITF Holiday & Spa Expo Sofia, 2020, where they presented the project and the results

Основна цел на този Наръчник е да ориентира и подпомогне гражданите и техните организации в диалога им с публичните власти. Предназначен е за национални и местни граждански организации, но може

Основна цел на този Наръчник е да ориентира и подпомогне гражданите и техните организации в диалога им с публичните власти. Предназначен е за национални и местни граждански организации, но може