Project: “Development and promotion of “green” tourist packages and enterprises network in the cross-border area” (Acronym: GREEN HOLIDAYS)
Contracting Authority: Ministry of Economy, competitiveness and supply, the Hellenic Republic
Funding program: European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece – Bulgaria 2007 – 2013
Lead organization: Regional Development Agancy of Rodopi SA
Partners: Dimossineteristiki Evros SA, Regional Municipalities Association “Maritza”, Тourist Fund PIRIN Foundation
Overall objective: The integrated promotion of eco-friendly and alternative forms of tourism in respect to the natural heritage in the c-b area – “Green Holidays”
Specific objectives:
1. Establishment of a network for the promotion of the already implemented activities that follow the “Green Holidays” concept and the attraction of potential investments for the development of alternative forms of tourism in the c-b area.
2. Development of “Green” certification procedures for the tourist enterprises in the c-b area.
3. Development of a database that will provide all necessary information concerning the partners of network (project partners and tourist enterprises)
4. Design and development of integrated tourist packages that will include activities, enterprises and other relevant information in both sides of the cross-border area. The aim is that each tourist package will be promoted as a different trip proposal.
5. Elaboration of an Integrated Joint Strategy for the promotion of the “Green Holidays” concept in the c-b area.
6. Elaboration and development of digital tools for the promotion of GREEN HOLIDAYS: maps, website, database, etc.
7. Promotion of GREEN HOLIDAYS through the participation in international tourism fairs.
Target groups:
tourist organizations
local key actors;
local authorities;
others (universities, institutions)
Work package 1 “Management & Coordination
Conducting four partnership meetings, reporting, conducting financial control and monitoring of the project
“Work package 2 “Information & Publicity
2.1 Promotional Material (Printed & electronic)
2.2 Participation in Exhibitions
2.3 Local Promotional Events
2.4 Development of Website
Work package 3 “Green Holidays Label”
3.1 Development of network institutional framework
3.2 Certification procedures for enterprises in C-B area
3.3 Logo & signs (for the areas included)
3.4 Database for certified enterprises & network
Work package 4 “Joint Current Analysis & Strategy”
4.1 Current situation analysis
4.2 Design of full tourist packages
4.3 Joint Strategy for Green Holidays in c-b area
4.4 Development of electronic and printed maps
Expected results
– Proper and effective management and implementation of the project.
– Effective promotion of the network, the project, the tourist packages and the wider GREEN HOLIDAYS concept and the alternative forms of tourism
– Creation of a network and a database with GREEN enterprises either in terms of operational manner or in terms of filed/ activity
– Development of a Joint Strategy that will be an important tool and the basis for future activities and the development of specific and complete tourist packages that will boost of the GREEN HOLIDAYS concept
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“This document was created within the project “Development and promotion of “green” tourist packages and enterprises network in the cross-border area” /GREEN HOLIDAYS, funded bythe European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013 grant contract № B1.11.10/14.04.2011, co-financed by the European Union through the European regional Development Fund and national funds of Greece and Bulgaria. The sole responsibility for the content of the document lies with the RMA “Maritza” and under no circumstances can be considered that this document reflects the official opinion of the European Union and the Contracting Authority”