This project is implemented with the financial support of the European Union through the European fund for the integration of third-country nationals
Since the beginning of February 2014 RMA “Maritza” as a beneficiary launches the project “From Immigration to Integration
Since the beginning of February 2014 RMA “Maritza” as a beneficiary launches the project “From Immigration to Integration, funded by the European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals, co-financed by the European Union. The project has been prepared in accordance with the objectives set out in the Annual Programme 2012 and BG EIF 2012/01-04 – Component 4: Development of techniques for monitoring and evaluation to improve the integration measures of scheme BG EIF 2012/01. Implementation of planned project activities will contribute to achieving the following two main objectives of the scheme, namely:
– Implementation of activities aimed to introduce the “Common Basic Principles on integration policy of immigrants in the European Union”
– Capacity building for the implementation of integration policy, co-ordination and intercultural competence building among the various levels of implementation of integration.
The project provides for the implementation of the following set of activities:
Activity 1: Project Management
Activity 2: Development of handbook with best practices for municipalities, private companies and NGOs to develop effective mechanisms to ensure effective involvement of immigrants in local labor markets
Activity 3: Study on the expected integration of immigrants and their perception of the Bulgarian society – different viewpoints and possible solutions to the question “for” and “against” immigration in Bulgaria
Activity 4: Creating a database of training centers and institutions of immigrants in Bulgaria
Activity 5: Information and publicity
As a result of the project implementation the existing Internet platform for online training will be built on. The new sections are:
The Project
Products (with submenus Handbook, Study, Database)
Information and publicity
Useful links
The web based platform for online training and information for third-country nationals was established in 2012 under the project “Implementation of courses for immigrants in real time”, funded by BG EIF Scheme 2010/01. The platform is a tool for offering online training and information to help the integration of third country migrants in Bulgaria. In 2012 a total of 58 lessons with tests on the topics of: Bulgarian language, History of Bulgaria, Civic orientation, Administrative procedures were presented on for free. The information is available free of charge in Bulgarian and English. is maintained by RMA “Maritza” and is build on with new and updated information with alternative resources or by own means. The team of the organization seeks to promote the resources and products available on and to attract qualified expertise in order to upgrade the platform with timely information.
In 2013, the platform has been updated with new information on the project “From and for immigrants – what else you need to know”, financed under the Scheme BG EIF 2011/01. In the same year 27 lessons with tests about immigrants’ rights and opportunities for better access to goods and services are presented on the platform for free on the topics: Government structure and activity of key institutions in the Republic of Bulgaria, Acquisition of movable and immovable property of the immigrants in Bulgaria, Explanation of the civil law, Explanation of the criminal law, Explanation of the Commercial Law. Life, culture, traditions and customs of life of immigrants living in Haskovo region and on line visits of natural and historical sites in Haskovo District are also presented on the The information is available free of charge in Bulgarian and English.
By the present project “From Immigration to Integration” it is aimed to be upgraded with the latest information for the benefit of third country nationals with a view to their better integration and social adaptation in Bulgaria. The Platform for online training will be upgraded with the handbook for the development of effective mechanisms to ensure effective involvement of immigrants in local labor markets. The platform will also present the results of the study for the integration of immigrants and expectations perception of Bulgarian society. The platform for online training of third country nationals will promote all existing institutions that offer information and services on the territory of Bulgaria for immigrants in the country. The results and products of the project will be presented in English and Bulgarian.
In the beginning of February 2014 RMA “Maritza” started to implement the project management and the project activities.
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“This document is created with the financial support of the European fund for the integration of third-country nationals co financed by the European Union. The whole responsibility for the contents of this Internet site is being born by RMA “Maritza” and under no circumstances it cannot be considered that it presents the official statement of the European Union and the Contracting Authority.”