Project: “Plan of Smart Regional Specialization for the promotion of competitiveness, research and innovation”
Acronym: Smart Specialization
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In relation to the implementation of the project Smart Specialization RMA “Maritza” developed an online forum for sharing experiences and good practices in the field of innovation and cross-border cooperation. The forum comprises the following sections at:
1) Sharing of experiences and good practices in the field of innovation and cross-border cooperation – herein Forum participants are invited to share information in connection with their participation in partnerships, initiatives and projects related to the development of innovative practices and models, implementation of innovative techniques, applications, software solutions and others in business organizations, public administrations, NGOs, etc., as well as their participation in networks or other types of organizations and forums related to smart specialization and innovation.
2) Public dialogue to achieve the objectives of RIS3 and signing of a memorandum of cooperation between SMEs, public authorities, NGOs and others – herein participants are invited to engage in public dialogue open to all socio-economic and public partners involved with the theme smart specialization. The main aspects of public dialogue are:
– Indicative topics: social innovation, urban development, social inclusion, public consultation and others.
– Discussions: Register with potential project ideas, necessary changes in the organizational structures of the participants in order to adapt to the objectives of RIS3, providing decision to participate in projects identified.
– Memorandum of cooperation in the field of smart specialization and innovation between SMEs, public authorities, NGOs and others.
For conducting the public dialogue a working group of stakeholders will be established, Memorandum of Cooperation will be prepared and agreed and a local event for Memorandum’s signing will be held.
This project is implemented by EU | This project is performed by RMA “Maritza” |
“This document was created within the project “Plan of Smart Regional Specialization for the promotion of competitiveness, research and innovation” / Smart Specialization, funded by the European Territorial cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013, grant contract № B3.32.02/31.12.2013 , co-financed by the European Union through the European regional Development Fund and national funds of Greece and Bulgaria. The sole responsibility for the content of the document lies with the RMA “Maritza” and under no circumstances can be considered that this document reflects the official opinion of the European Union and the Contracting Authority”