This project is implemented with the financial support of the European Union through the European fund for the integration of third-country nationals
Implemented Information and Publicity measures
The project “Capacity building and creating an active platform to support immigrants integration policy” is implemented transparently in accordance with the requirements of the Scheme BG EIF 2013/01 and Art. 6 of the General Conditions to financed by European Fund for the Integration of third-country contracts for grants. The project plans an information campaign aimed at the media, the host society and institutions. Envisaged are:
printing of handbooks on the topics: ” Intercultural competencies – Communication of the XXI century “; “The role of the governing public bodies and civil society organizations in the dialogue between the institutions and immigrants”; “Integration of immigrants – common cases” – 750 units. / 250 pc. of the 3 types of handbooks /. The handbooks are distributed during the project seminars and after their completion among the target groups;
placing one information board in the office of the project;
4 publications in regional daily media throughout the project;
dissemination of information materials to municipalities
upgrade of the web platform with information about the project. The new established link for the project;
Informational materials will be prepared in accessible language for the beneficiaries to obtain maximum useful information.
Implemented seminars
In relation to the implementation of the project “Capacity building and creating an active platform to support immigrants integration policy”, Subsidy contract № BG EIF 2013 / 01-05.01, funded by the European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals in June were organized and performed forums aimed at achieving one of the goals of the project – capacity building at regional level, involving all stakeholders related to the effective management of the processes of integration of TCN and improve the coordination of actions for the integration of TCN nationally.
Тhe forums in which took part stakeholders, representatives of local authorities, institutions, territorial structures of the central executive authorities, social partners, NGOs and others. were aimed the presentation of importance of intercultural competences and support the process of raising awareness of the main actors in the integration of TCN their social inclusion and intercultural competence building in the implementation of integration measures.
It has also been presented and discussed the issue connected with the commitments and responsibilities of public authorities and civil society organizations in terms of their work with immigrant communities. During the events was included different types of interactive methods and role training, through which participants were trained to successfully work with immigrants and integrate correctly in their work mechanisms for their sustainable integration.
During the forums it was implemented and a practicum aimed at presentation and discussion of specific cases in the field of integration of immigrants and the identification of specific regional measures in the field of integration policy of immigrants who may be laid down in plans and strategic documents for the Haskovo region.
Photos from the events
Platform for working of Information centers and organizations for the integration of immigrants
One of the main ideas in the project “Capacity Building and creating an active platform to support immigrants integration policy” is creating the possibility to networking, through which the information centers and organizationswhichare working for the integration of immigrants in Bulgaria to exchange information, resources and practices to improve their work, to expand and improve the coordination mechanisms at the national, regional and local level among the participants in the integration process in order to improve implementation, coordination and development of intercultural competence in the implementation of integration measures. For this purpose information section is created in the platform for online training and information –
Forum to Platform for working of Information centers and organizations for the integration of immigrants
For the purposes of the project and implementation of activities related with active exchange between the organizations involved in the integration policy in the country and the implementation of initiatives that improve the integration process is created a forum to The active platform where all stakeholders can exchange ideas, share information about implemented projects in the field of integration of immigrants, upcoming initiatives and others. You can visit the forum by pressingthe button or the following link –
Handbooks to upgrade the capacity of public bodies at the local level related to the integration policy of immigrants
Strengthening the capacity of public bodies at local level relating to integration policy of immigrants will prepare them to the maximum extent of the challenges that bear behind the new immigrant communities in Bulgaria and in the region of Haskovo and to build capacity for adequate integration policies towards these communities. This in turn will contribute to the integration of immigrant persons in the region of Haskovo and prepare the most appropriate way of local officials to work effectively and respecting European and national migration policy on immigrants. In this regard, the project developed these handbooks, which will help to overcome discrimination and distrust and will present Bulgarian society that the main feature of European citizenship is the full integration of third-country nationals:
– Handbook “Intercultural competences – communication of XXI century”
– Handbook “Integration of immigrants – common cases”
Each of the handbooks is printed in circulation of 250 copies. The editions will be part of trainings for experts and institutions from different backgrounds – local authorities, regional bodies, NGOs and civil society on the topics: “Intercultural competences – communication of XXI century”, “The role of the governing public bodies and civil society organizations in the dialogue between institutions and immigrants” and “Practicum – case studies and identification of regional measures in the field of integration policy of immigrants”
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“This document is created with the financial support of the European fund for the integration of third-country nationals co financed by the European Union. The whole responsibility for the contents of this Internet site is being born by RMA “Maritza” and under no circumstances it cannot be considered that it presents the official statement of the European Union and the Contracting Authority.”