Project: “ One Stop Investment Centre Maritza – opportunities and perspectives”

PHARE 2004 Programme – Project BG 2004/016-711.11.04
“Support for Increasing the Competitiveness of Bulgarian Enterprises”/Public-Private Partnership Grant Scheme

The project is implemented with financial support of the European Union and Republic of Bulgaria


Public-private partnership (PPP) is partnership between the public and the private sector for the implementation of project or provision of service by the public sector and/or public interest during the distribution of expenses, benefits and risks in mutual benefit.

The participation in each of PPP form follows the principles for competitive beginning, publicity and transparency of the procedures for selection of partner and effective and legislative management of the municipality’s assets.

The participation of the municipality in each of PPP forms is implemented in the framework of the financial resources according to the budget of the municipality for the given year.

PPP can be implemented in the following forms:

•  Grant contract for use of premises owned by juridical persons with non-governmental aim for the aims of the municipality

•  contract for activities or part of them

•  contract for public order (contract for small public order)


Attractiveness of the Region

•  Sustainability in the development of the regional economy during the last years

•  Availability of favourable nature resources

•  Low labour expenses

•  Good qualification of the workers

•  Opportunities for raising the production

•  Good telecommunication infrastructure

•  Good social climate

•  Low corporative tax

•  Bulgarian membership in EU



•  national:

Law for investment promotion

Strategy for investment promotion in Republic of Bulgaria 2005-2010

National programme for employment and professional training

•  local:

Accelerating the process for issuing licenses, permits and registration

Individual administrative service

Cooperation for selection of employees and training

Support for selection of building company for manufacturing building

Support by the municipal authorities before the different institutions concerning the difficulties for establishment of new investor in the town.

Local Taxes and Fees

Local Taxes

•  real estate tax

•  legacy-duty

•  endowment tax

•  tax on devolution of property

•  duty on vehicles


Local Fees

•  for waste products

•  for use of markets, market-places, fairs, sidewalks, playgrounds, street roadways and areas with other function

•  for creche, kindergarten, Social Care Centers, camps and other municipal social services

•  tourist tax

•  production of quarry materials

•  for technical services

•  for administrative services

•  for grave places

•  other services supplied by the municipality

This project is implemented by EU   This project is performed by RMA “Maritza”

This document is issued with EU financial support. RMA “Maritza” is responsible for the document’s contents and it can not be considered that this document presents the EU official statement.