This project is implemented with the financial support of the European Union through the European fund for the integration of third-country nationals
Project: „Implementation of courses for immigrants in real time”, Subsidy contract No BG EIF 2010/01-02.01
Beneficiary: Regional Municipalities Association “Maritza”
Contracting Authority: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
Donor: European fund for the integration of third-country nationals, 2010Annual programme; Scheme BG EIF 2010/01, Procedure „Integrated scheme for provision of grant award for implementation of actions aiming to introduce in practice „Common basic principles for immigrant integration policy in the European Union” and strengthening the capacity for the implementation of such activities”; Component 2: Support for the implementation of courses for immigrants contributing for their successful integration in the Bulgarian society – courses in Bulgarian language, civic orientation, history, traditions, customs, etc.
General objective:
To improve the immigrants’ integration in the Bulgarian society through the establishment of Internet platform for the implementation of online courses aiming to raise their ability for social inclusion and their readiness to work.
Specific objectives:
To provide adequate support for the integration of immigrants who choose to live in Bulgaria;
To create instruments /online courses/ which will enhance the integration process and the access of immigrants to main services, work and education in Bulgaria.
To provide the opportunity of more people with the status of immigrants to gain general knowledge in Bulgarian language, history of Bulgaria, administrative procedures and civic orientation;
To ensure wide publicity for the opportunities for improvement of immigrants’ integration in Bulgaria and also for the rights of those people.
Target group:
Immigrants who live on the territory of Haskovo region – 30 people
Main activities:
Activity 1: Organization and management
The team engaged for the project management and reporting includes: Project leader, Coordinator and Accountant. Each of the team members has concrete tasks. The team implements regular meetings to discuss current matters related to the project implementation.
For the implementation of the project the following experts are engaged: 2 Programmers for the establishment of web-based system for online courses; 1 Web-designer for the development of the Internet site in way which will be easy to use it by the beneficiaries; 1 Translator /English language/ for the translation of the Internet site in English; 4 Lecturers who will participate in the development of the online courses.
Activity 2: Publicity and visualization
In order to ensure publicity of the action, the opportunities which will be created for the training of people from the target group and the financial support of the EIF and the budget of the Republic of Bulgaria the following measures are applied: 1 Information board, 3 publications made in newspapers; 1000 information brochures.
Activity 3: Development of online lessons
The activity includes 58 lessons in the following topics: Bulgarian language, History of Bulgaria, Civic orientation, Administrative procedures.
Activity 4: Creation of Internet platform for online courses
Creation of web-based platform for online courses to third country nationals in the following topics: Bulgarian language, History of Bulgaria, Civic orientation, Administrative procedures. The site is a combination of pages with static and dynamic contents presenting the project and the online courses. The structure of the site is divided in two parts: administrator’s panel and user’s panel.
Activity 5: Reporting
The activity includes the preparation of technical and financial reports in accordance with the requirements of the Contracting Authority. The reports will be developed by the team members when accomplishing the project and will include the whole requested information and annexes.
Expected results:
Implemented 1 kick-off meeting of the project team
Implemented 3 working meetings of the project team
Signed 3 contracts with the team members and 8 contracts with experts
Prepared action plan
Developed 1 Information board
3 publications made in newspapers
Developed and distributed 1000 information brochures брошури
Developed 58 lessons in format applicable for the web-based platform for online courses
Created web-based platform for online courses for third country nationals with lessons in 4 topics
Prepared financial and technical reports
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“This document is created with the financial support of the European fund for the integration of third-country nationals co financed by the European Union. The whole responsibility for the contents of this Internet site is being born by RMA “Maritza” and under no circumstances it cannot be considered that it presents the official statement of the European Union and the Contracting Authority.”