This project is implemented with the financial support of the European Union through the European fund for the integration of third-country nationals
Dear visitors,
www.bgimigranti.com is one of the newest Internet addresses in cyberspace, available to immigrants in Bulgaria – third country nationals. The site includes free online lessons in the disciplines – Bulgarian language, history, administrative procedures and civic orientation. Their aim is to contribute to raising the level of integration and successful social adaptation in the Bulgarian society of immigrants – third country nationals and facilitate their access to basic services, employment and education in Bulgaria.
Courses are specifically designed for persons who do not know the language, culture and administrative regulations of the country, which will help to improve their starting position in their integration, given that the majority of immigrants do not find a permanent job in the first years of his residence due to unfamiliarity with the system, language and administrative rules. On this website, users will find useful information offered in relatively understandable way for fast absorption. Control tests will contribute to a quick check of the learned material.
First real users of the site have the privilege to be around 30 persons who will benefit from the established model for multimedia courses by the end of June. If you want to be one of them, we offer you the opportunity to register online, use online tutorial and go through a test exam.
www.bgimigranti.com happens after the European Fund for Integration of third country nationals and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, approved and funded the idea of RMA “Maritza” for creating a web platform for self-education through online courses.
May 2012
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“This document is created with the financial support of the European fund for the integration of third-country nationals co financed by the European Union. The whole responsibility for the contents of this Internet site is being born by RMA “Maritza” and under no circumstances it cannot be considered that it presents the official statement of the European Union and the Contracting Authority.”