Contracting Authority: Ministry for Development and Competitiveness, Hellenic Republic
Funding programme: European Territorial Co-operation Programme “Greece-Bulgaria” 2007 – 2013
Lead partner: Region of Central Macedonia
Partners: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Special Account of Research Funds- Faculty of Agriculture; Balkan Environment Center; Decentralized Administration of Macedonia & Thrace – Water Directorate of East Macedonia and Thrace; Region of East Macedonia & Thrace; Regional Municipalities Association “Maritza”; Lyubimets Municipality; Krumovgrad Municipality; Agricultural University Plovdiv.
Overall objective
The overall objective of the project is the adoption of a strategic reference framework in a cross-border region for the support of the rural population in the application of reduced input agriculture driven through the practices of agricultural activities (fertilization, irrigation and crop protection) leading to reduced impact of agro-products on the environment and maximizing the product quality of agricultural goods.
Work package 1: Management & Coordination
1.1 Preparation actions
1.2 Progress Reports & Management Actions
1.3 Project meetings
Work package 2: Information & Publicity
2.1 Dissemination Actions and Conference
Work package 3: Operational planning for the application of reduced input agriculture
3.1 Methodological guidelines
3.2 Technical implementation study
3.3 Geodatabase & Decision Support System
3.4 Training of consultants and education of rural population
Work package 4: Pilot implementation of tools and assessment of product quality
4.1 Supply of appropriate equipment and information tools in Greece
4.2 Pilot implementation operations in Greece
4.3 Assessment of product quality
4.4 Supply of appropriate equipment and information tools in Bulgaria
4.5 Pilot implementation operations in Bulgaria
Work package 5: Evaluation and strategic implementation guidelines for reduced input agriculture
5.1 e-platform for specified users
5.2 Infrastructure development
5.3 Agro-environmental and economical evaluation of benefits
5.4 Feasibility study for future implementation of reduced input practices in the areas
5.5 Agro environmental policies and strategic framework for reduced input agricultural practices
Expected results
• Maximization of production by identifying the areas of reduced productivity and managing them in a different way compared to the whole field
• Through reduced input operations farmers are confronted with European Directives that require them to comply with legislative rules concerning farm management and environmental issues
• Economical improvement of crop production through the reduced usage of fertilizers applied and water
• Provides opportunities for better resource management and so could reduce wastage
• Minimises the risk to the environment particularly with respect to nitrate leaching and groundwater contamination via the optimisation of agrochemical products
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“This document was created within the project “Joint reference strategies for rural activities of reduced inputs” / AGRO_LESS, funded by the European Territorial cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013, grant contract № B3.11.02, co-financed by the European Union through the European regional Development Fund and national funds of Greece and Bulgaria. The sole responsibility for the content of the document lies with the RMA “Maritza” and under no circumstances can be considered that this document reflects the official opinion of the European Union and the Contracting Authority”
“This document was created within the project “Joint reference strategies for rural activities of reduced inputs” / AGRO_LESS, funded by the European Territorial cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013, grant contract№ B3.11.02, co-financed by the European Union through the Europeanregional Development Fund and national funds of Greece and Bulgaria. The sole responsibility for the content of the document lies with the RMA “Maritza” and under no circumstances can be considered that this document reflects the official opinion of the European Union and the Contracting Authority”