Within the project: „Greek Bulgarian Business Partnership by Assistance, Services, Solutions to Promote Open Regions Team” with acronym „GR-BG BUSINESS PASSPORT“, Subsidy contract № B6.3a.07/13.04.2021, financed under the Cooperation Programme “Interreg V –A Greece-Bulgaria” 2014-2020 the 13th issue of the e-newsletter “Development and opportunities for business in Haskovo region” was published.
In this issue, you can read about the income and expenses of Bulgarian households in 2022, inflation and price indicators in March and export data at the beginning of the year. You can also learn about the new portal for trade relations with Turkish companies for construction materials, equipment and machinery on page 3, as well as see Capital newspaper’s comparative analysis of the differences between Bulgaria and Romania in the EU membership process.
With regard to current and upcoming financing opportunities suitable for your activity, in this issue we have presented:
- Upcoming procedure BG-RRP-6.004 “Investments in technological and ecological modernization”, suitable for registered farmers;
- BG-RRP-4.021 – Support for energy renovation of buildings in the sphere of production, trade and services, more details of which you will find on page 6 of the bulletin;
- BG-RRP-3.006 – Construction of new RES for own consumption in combination with local energy storage facilities in enterprises with a deadline of May 15, 2023 (pages 7-8 of the bulletin);
- application opportunities under some measures within the framework of the Program for the Development of Rural Areas in the municipalities of Stambolovo and Mineralni Bani, as well as information on other current and upcoming application procedures;
In this issue we have also presented opportunities to participate in upcoming events and trainings, which you will find more information about on page 15.

Within the framework of GR-BG BUSINESS PASSPORT project, the Institute of Robotics at the BAS has developed courses whose purpose is to inform the representatives of the small and family businesses in the Haskovo region about the application of robots in business, about the robotic technologies available on the market and the possibilities for their purchase /hiring and deployment. You can find the courses at the link: http://ir.bas.bg/projects/registration.html after entering the place of employment.