IPA Cross-Border Programme CCI No: 2007CB16IPO008


Project: “Capacity building for border municipalities about strategic planning”

Contracting Authority: Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works

Funding program: IPA CBC Bulgaria-Turkey

Lead partner: Association of Municipalities Merich

Partners: Regional Municipalities Association “Maritza”

Overall objective: to contribute to economic and social cohesion of the border regions with Bulgaria and Turkey

Specific objectives:

– To promote partnership in joint projects between local authorities in the municipalities in the border region.
– Contribution to the development and quality of services in the border region as a result of strategic planning,
– Assessment of the current situation and define common problems with local authorities on both sides of the border

Target groups:

– experts from the municipal administrations who will be trained

– leaderships of municipalities who will participate in information seminars;

– representatives of local institutions


– Establishment of a project team and conducting regular partner meetings
– Information seminar for mayors
– Training seminar 1 for employees of municipalities in the departments of Environment
– Training seminar 2 for employees of municipalities in the departments of planning
– Roundtable discussion for mayors
– Regional Conference of municipalities
– Publication of project results and presentation of conference

Expected results

– Program level: an increased number of social relationships and partnerships and improved environment for the development of partnerships across borders;
– Project level: improved municipal capacity for strategic planning

This project is implemented by EU   This project is performed by RMA “Maritza”

“This document is created within the project” Capacity building for strategic planning in border municipalities”, funded by the CBC (IPA) Bulgaria – Turkey Programme, (CCI number 2007CB16IPO008) The entire responsibility for the contents of the document rests with RMA” the Maritza “and under no circumstances it can be considered that this document reflects the official position of the European Union and the contracting authority.”