Development of electronic and printed materials to ensure publicity



Within the project “AGRO_LESS”, funded by the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013, subsidy contract № B3.11.02 the following electronic and printed materials were made:

– Design, layout and printing of 1,000 brochures for Haskovo and Kardzhali regions;

– Design, layout and printing of 300 posters for Haskovo and Kardzhali regions;

– Development of an informative clip for Haskovo and Kardzhali regions, including the making of a total of 50 broadcasts in local media in the regions of Haskovo and Kardzhali.

The brochures and posters will be distributed among the project partners in the forthcoming final meeting in Krumovgrad scheduled for November 26, 2015.

The information clip for Haskovo and Kardzhali regions was aired between 3 to 24 October 2015 in eTV program that covers both areas.

Agrochemical analysis of soil in the region of Haskovo. Map of soil. Analysis of the potential for development of areas with reduced income from agriculture in recent years



Within the project “AGRO_LESS”, funded by the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013, Subsidy contract № B3.11.02, RMA “Maritza” is engaged for the development of:

– the execution of agrochemical analysis of soils in the region of Haskovo

– mapping the soils of the region of Haskovo

– an analysis of the development potential of the areas in Haskovo region with reduced income from agriculture in recent years.

Here we present a summary of the implemented activities.

Agro-environmental and economical evaluation of the benefits of project activities implemented by Lyubimets Municipality with regards to reduced input practices related to reduction in production costs for growing crops



Within the project “AGRO_LESS”, funded by the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013, Subsidy contract № B3.11.02, RMA “Maritza” is engaged for the development of a report “Agro-environmental and economical evaluation of the benefits of project activities implemented by Lyubimets Municipality with regards to reduced input practices related to reduction in production costs for growing crops”. The aim of the report is to analyze and assess agro-environmental and economic benefits of the activities under the project “AGRO_LESS”, which are aimed at improving the environmental impact and reduce production costs for growing crops.

Here you can find an abstract of the report.

Training of farmers from Haskovo region on the project AGRO_LESS

March 26 – 27, 2015


On 26 and 27th of March, 2015 two-day training for farmers from Haskovo region was organized by Regional Municipalities Association “Maritza” under the project AGRO_LESS. During the first day of the training the characteristics of Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 were presented. 43 participants who are representatives of farms, local authorities, NGOs, local stakeholders and others attended the training.

The following topics were discussed:

– Main directions and characteristics in applying for support schemes under the RDP 2014-2020. The presentation was focused on direct payments, organic farming payments under “Natura 2000”, Measure 16. Cooperation.

– Support for the establishment and operation of operational groups within the EIP for agricultural productivity and sustainability;

– Support for pilot projects and development of new products, practices, processes and technologies;

– Support for horizontal and vertical cooperation between actors in the supply chain for the construction and development of short supply chains and local markets;

– Support for activities for local promotion of the development of short supply chains and local markets, etc.

During the training the innovative technologies in agriculture and the network of meteorological stations in the Lyubimets Municipality were presented which are established under the AGRO_LESS project. During the second day of training 18 participants were introduced with the possibilities of the management software of the meteorological network in Lyubimets Municipality. The installed meteorological stations on the field were also demonstrated.

AGRO_LESS Project Partners from Bulgaria and Greece discussed topical issues related to project progress

The 2nd Project meeting on the AGRO_LESS project, financed under European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013, took place on March 20th, 2015 in the Conference hall of Hotel Rodopi, Haskovo, Bulgaria. The event was hosted by Regional Municipalities Association “Maritza”, Partner 6 on the project.

17 participants attended the event representatives of the partnering organizations – Region of Central Macedonia, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Special Account of Research Funds-Faculty of Agriculture, Interbalkan Environment Center, Decentralized Administration of Macedonia & Thrace – Water Directorate of East, Region of East Macedonia & Thrace, Regional Municipalities Association “Maritza, Lyubimets Municipality, Municipality of Krumovgrad, Agricultural University Plovdiv.

The meeting was opened by Rayna Yovcheva, the Project administrator and Executive Director of Regional Municipalities Association “Maritza”. She outlined the expectations from the meeting and presented the Deputy Governor of the Region of East Macedonia and Thrace who also attended the event. Mr. Sotiris Papadopoulos emphasized on the importance of this strategic project between the two countries as it will provide the farmers with good solutions for reduced input agriculture.

The participants discussed the project progress per each of the project deliverables and summarized the next steps that should be taken for the efficient project implementation.

First project meeting

On November 19, the team of Regional Municipalities Association “Maritza” visited the city of Thessaloniki, Greece, where they took part in the first meeting on the project AGRO_LESS, funded by the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013.

During the meeting the following issues were discussed:

– Presentation of the partners, their activities and their progress on the project;

– Presentation of the project work packages, commitments of each partner and the specific terms.

– Project management and coordination – a discussion of changes to the budget, concerning the transfer of activities between partners, discussion of other changes to the budget, finalization of changes to the application form and other official documents of the project status, advance payment, next steps in the project implementation and deadlines, other technical and financial issues related to the implementation of the project.

In order to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency in the implementation of project activities and given the fact that RMA “Maritza” joined in the project as Partner 6 on a stage when the activities are already started, the team raised specific questions regarding commitments and deadlines of the organization.


This project is implemented by EU   This project is performed by RMA “Maritza”

“This document was created within the project “Joint reference strategies for rural activities of reduced inputs” / AGRO_LESS, funded by the European Territorial cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013, grant contract № B3.11.02, co-financed by the European Union through the European regional Development Fund and national funds of Greece and Bulgaria. The sole responsibility for the content of the document lies with the RMA “Maritza” and under no circumstances can be considered that this document reflects the official opinion of the European Union and the Contracting Authority”