Project: “Bulgarian-Greek Partnership by Assistance, Services, Solutions to Promote Open Regions Team”
Acronym: Bulgarian-Greek PASSPORT
First project meeting
On May 20th, 2011 in the office of RMA “Maritza” in Haskovo the First Partners’ meeting of the team on the project “Bulgarian-Greek Partnership by Assistance, Services, Solutions to Promote Open Regions Team”, Acronym: Bulgarian-Greek PASSPORT took place. The project is financed under the European Territorial Cooperation Programme “Greece – Bulgaria 2007 – 2013”. The project partners from Bulgaria and Greece discussed the current tasks, the concrete terms and the action plan. The tender procedures in accordance with the legislation in Bulgaria and Greece were also discussed during the meeting.
First press conference
The initial press conference on the project “Bulgarian-Greek Partnership by Assistance, Services, Solutions to Promote Open Regions Team” (Acronym: Bulgarian-Greek PASSPORT), financed under European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013 took place on May 20th, 2011.
Representatives of the 4 project partners attended the event.The Coordinator on the project Anna Nenova-Peeva introduced the main activities and objectives of the project. The media representatives from the region were provided with information for the general and specific project objectives, the target groups and the expected results.
The media from the region declared their good will to partner in the project transparency which is very important for the project and the project team in order to apply the publicity rules of the Programme.
Invitation to the media in Haskovo region for the initial press conference on the project
Representatives of the media in Haskovo region
Ladies and gentlemen,
The team of RMA “Maritza” is pleased to announce the starting the project “Bulgarian – Greek PARTNERSHIP THROUGH SUPPORT, SERVICES AND SOLUTIONS TO PROMOTE OPEN REGIONAL TEAM”, financed under the European Territorial Cooperation “Greece – BULGARIA 2007-2013” .
The project will be implemented in partnership with Bulgarian and Greek organizations.
The main objective of the project is to improve the economic and social development of the region by supporting small and medium businesses on both sides of the border, increase competitiveness by promoting entrepreneurship, creating a network of cooperation and investment in human resources.
The project will be built on the Bulgarian-Greek business incubator will open three information centers in each of the partner fields will create a business portal database and specialized information.
Recognizing clearly the role of the media in supporting the implementation of each project, we kindly invite you to attend the first conference organized by us and sincerely hope to cooperate in the promotion of planned initiatives.
May 20, 15 o’clock
office RMA “Maritza”
With respect and hope for partnership
Team RMA “Maritza”
BG-GR PASSPORT is in progress
The implementation of the project BG-GR Passport makes significant progress. The works activities for the Business Incubator are being implemented under the time schedule and very soon the SMEs from the CBC region will have the opportunity to benefit from the BI’s services.
The project procurement plan approved by the Managing Authority of the Programme is also implemented under the fixed terms and the first contracts for implementation of some of the tender procedures are now signed. Those procedures are: „Experts for project implementation”, „Development of promotional materials”, „Development and installation of web site”, „Publications in the media”. The tender procedure “Translation” is being cancelled because the participants did not presented the requested documents for contract signing and a new procedure is opened. The tender procedures “Catering and rent for events” and “Equipment” are in the process of elaboration.
BG-GR PASSPORT has been successfully implemented
New Year, new luck……. for all initiative and modern entrepreneurs in the region
The opening of the Business Incubator in Klokotnitza village is coming very soon. This will be the place where Bulgarian and Greek companies from the border region will have the opportunity to develop and upgrade their potential and capacity through the qualified assistance provided by our team.
We are very happy that our project idea is being supported and financed under the European Territorial Cooperation Programme “Greece – Bulgaria 2007 – 2013”. It is now successfully implemented and soon we will announce the real results of it.
With pleasure we announce to all entrepreneurs who are interested to promote their activity through us that the Business Catalogue and the CBC Business portal planned on the project are now in the process of elaboration and for sure they will be two adequate tools for advertising of the companies in the country and abroad.
We think that through the project implementation and through investing in human capital we will contribute to improving the economic and social development of the CBC region and to raising the competitiveness of the SMEs which is the main idea of „BULGARIAN-GREEK Passport” project.
We wish a very successful and fruitful New 2012 to all our partners and followers! We truly believe that we will enjoy our common and beneficial cooperation in the future… and then will be pleased to congratulate each other with effective results.
For the new year we promise to keep on turning our ideas into reality with optimism and energy, which proves to be beneficial for all of us being the citizens of Europe united.
The Team of the Business Incubator
December 16th, 2011
The exhibition “Produced for us” – new opportunities for successful business partnership in the CBC Bulgarian-Greek region
In September 2012 Haskovo hosted the Promotional event under the title of “Produced for us” where representatives of Bulgarian and Greek companies had the opportunity to present their activities, goods and services. The initiative was held under the project “Bulgarian-Greek Partnership by Assistance, Services, Solutions to Promote Open Regions Team” (Bulgarian – Greek PASSPORT) on 6 – 9 September, 2012. Currently the project is in its second year of implementation realized succesfully by RMA “Maritza”, Haskovo Municipality, and the two Greek organizations – Regional Union of Municipalities of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Industries’ Association of Eastern Macedonia.
Each of the companies participants had an exhibition place on a stand where to present its activity.
Wine growers, representatives of pastry companies, milk and dairy industry, electronics, textile companies from both sides of the border presented the goods and services they provide, their investment intentions and potential opportunities. The cross-border region in neighboring Greece was presented by the companies from Orestiada, Alexandroupolis and Kavala and from Bulgaria the companies were from Haskovo region.
The entrepreneurs from both sides of the border determined the promotional event in Haskovo as “an arena of new opportunities for common business and perspective for new markets”. They are convinced in the success of the newly established partnerships during the trade initiative and in the positive impact of this initiative on their business activity. According to the participants in the promotional event such initiatives not only provide alternative opportunities for development of new markets but also support the companies to establish contacts and partnerships which are of importance for the effective implementation of their projects.
During the event the services of the Business Incubator established in Klokotnitza village on the project were also presented. The Business Incubator was presented as a convenient and modern place for the SMEs from the cross-border region where they could be provided with qualified financial and juridical assistance, expert assistance, training services, assistance in goods and services realization, finding new markets and support in their activities development. Some of the participants in “Produced for us” even declared their interest to be actual beneficiaries of the Business Incubator.
With more than 15 years of experience RMA “Maritza” proved to be an active organization and moderator of ideas and initiatives clearly designed in a number of succesfully implemented projects financed by different European funds and programmes. With the succesful implementation of Bulgarian – Greek PASSPORT the project partners are convinced in achieving the foreseen objectives, namely to support entrepreneurship in the cross-border region, to support competitiveness and positive impact on the economic development in the border areas.
Exhibition reportage from September 7, 2012 Television “Recording” broadcast from 10.09.2012
Exhibition reportage from September 8, 2012 Television “Aida-Haskovo” broadcast from 10.09.2012
KAVALAEXPO 2012 – new business partnerships and opportunities for the companies from Haskovo region
In the period 21-26 September 2012 in Kavala, Greece the traditional exhibition KAVALAEXPO took place which every year gathers hundreds of representatives of the business form the cross-border region and thus provides the opportunity for them to present goods and services to the wide public.
During the first three days of the exhibition (21-23 September 2012) the CBC region of Haskovo was presented by a wide range of companies which had the opportunity to advertise their business activities and the provided goods and services through advertising brochures, materials and industrial articles.
Proven names on the market as “Termokomfort” Ltd.; “Simpex Trade” Ltd.; „Alfa-Term Engineering” Ltd., “Europe” Ltd. Flair; “Alfaterm” Ltd. “Nikadon” Ltd.; Elprom Harmanli JSCo; “Delena DD” Ltd., “Jenny sport” Ltd., “Aliana” Ltd. and “Roxy Dream” Ltd; “Ukrabul-MC” Ltd.”; “Bratan” Ltd.; “Kavell Invest” Ltd. (Fidela, Hrusini), “Burdenis – 93″ Ltd.; PIM Ltd., “Himmmash” JSCo.; “Mlechna promishlenost” EOOD Haskovo; “Metal Group Elit” 2006 Ltd.; Diamond – PK “Elmaz-tex”; Winery “Malkata zvezda” Harmanli, Erato Holding and Haskovo Chamber of Commerce received free space in the exhibition area in Conference center ‘Apostolos Mardiris’ in Kavala, which has covered five thousand square meters, fully equipped conference center, cabins, translation, multi-purpose rooms and a place for press conferences.
RMA “Maritza” also presented its activity with more attention to the opened Business Incubator in Klokotnitza village where the SMEs from the border region Bulgaria – Greece have the opportunity to receive qualified assistance, free premises to use for their business and equipment. The team of the project enjoys the admiration for the implementation the project and the interested companies in the Incubator increases every day.
The participants in the exhibition shared their impression that the provided business opportunities and the established contacts and relations during the event will contribute to building beneficial partnerships and future success. The participation from Bulgaria in the exhibition is realized and is an initiative under the project “Bulgarian-Greek Partnership by Assistance, Services, Solutions to Promote Open Regions Team” (Bulgarian-Greek PASSPORT), financed under European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013, and implemented successfully by RMA Maritza, Haskovo Municipality and two Greek partners for a second year by now.
Information materials from the event in the media:
Publication in
Publication in
Representatives of Bulgarian and Greek companies discussed common problems and challenges on a bilateral forum in the newly opened Business Incubator in Klokotnitsa village
“Development of Cross-border Cooperation – a prerequisite for sustainable development of the border region” was the topic of the CBC conference which took place in September 28-29 2012 in the conference hall of the Business Incubator in Klokotnitza village. The two days event was attended by managers and leadership of companies and also by representatives of business organizations from the border region Haskovo, Bulgaria – Evros and Kavala, Greece. The conference is an initiative in the framework of the project “Bulgarian-Greek Partnership by Assistance, Services, Solutions to Promote Open Regions Team” (Acronym: Bulgarian-Greek PASSPORT), financed under European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013, and implemented successfully by RMA Maritza, Haskovo Municipality and two Greek partners for a second year by now.
Lecturers from the two countries presented the latest news and amendments in business legislation, competitive relations and standards. The role and the importance of organizations such as Business Incubators were also discussed in relation to successful development and support of the SMEs.
The conference was opened by Rayna Yovcheva, Executive Director of RMA “Maritza”. She welcomed the participants and paid more attention to the advantages of the SMEs operating in the border region as being the beneficiaries of the free juridical, training and consultancy services which the Business Incubator provides. The Deputy Mayor of Haskovo municipality, Minko Angelov also presented his welcome speech. He pointed out the good partnership between the Bulgarian and Greek organizations in implementing the project which is one of the most important things for successful project management.
The topical issues and challenges in front of the SMEs were presented by proven experts from Bulgaria and Greece. The lecturers from Bulgaria were: Mariya Markova and Yuliya Stefanova – experts in CBC and EU projects; Ruska Boyadzhieva – Director Direction „European integration“ of Burgas Municipality; Dimitar Pelov – lawyer in Sofia college of barristers with rich experience with commerce and bank organizations.
The lecturers form Greece were: Karatheodorou Georgios, lawyer; Metaxoudis Eleftherios and Harovas Vasileios – business consultants with rich experience with SMEs and business associations; Michalis Kapetis and Gregory Theodoridis – experts in European Territorial Cooperation Programmes.
The partners on Bulgarian-Greek PASSPORT project seek for opportunities to multiply the achieved results
On 9th of October 2012 Regional Association of Municipalities of East Macedonia and Thrace, Greece – project partner under BG – GR PASSPORT hosted a joint project meeting, attended by representatives of all the organizations involved in the project “Bulgarian-Greek partnership through support services and solutions to promote open regional team” (acronym: Bulgarian-Greek PASSPORT), funded by the European Territorial satrudnichedstvo Bulgaria – Greece 2007-2013.
Despite the implemented analyzes of the current problems, the representatives of the partner organizations from both sides of the border set out the plan for the timely and proper execution of the remaining project activities. They commented with satisfaction the successful operation of the Business incubator in Klokotnitza village and the three Info Points, which have enjoyed strong interest from developers in the border region.
All the participants agreed with the idea that projects of this kind should be further developed and the results obtained to multiply. They therefore declared their good will to join forces and jointly seek ways and opportunities for new projects to continue the achieved results.
Greek business asks how to start a company in Bulgaria
How to establish a company in Bulgaria, how much its operation costs and is there any obstacle for Greek citizens to register their companies in Bulgaria. These were the main points the representatives of the business from the prefectures of Evros and Kavala were interested in during the Bulgarian-Greek forum which took place in Alexandroupolous from 20th to 22nd of February 2013. The meeting was organized under the project “Bulgarian-Greek Passport”.
The three-day initiative is a part of the RMA “Maritza”project for the establishment of Business Incubator in Klokotnitza village and for support of the small and medium sized businesses on both sides of the border.
Rayna Yovcheva presented the activity of ther Business Incubator. She said that with the completion of the Business Incubator project it will not be closed. “The team of the Bulgarian-Greek Passport continues to explore mechanisms to support the business. We strive to both improve services and develop new ones, “added the director of the association” Maritza “
Topical issues on the agenda of the forum were also the agricultural policy and funding opportunities for SMEs in Bulgaria and Greece in the new programming period 2014-2020. Interesting for the participants were the discussions related to business funding programmes.
Over 70 business representatives and local authorities in the border region Haskovo, Evros, Kavala were presented with the possibilities of cooperation in trade and production. Very interesting was the topic of the real estate market in Greece and Bulgaria.
Among the guests fot he forum were the Mayor of Harmanli Mihail Liskov and the Deputy mayor of Haskovo Nedyalka Staneva.
Parallel with the Final Forum for Entrepreneurs in the hall of the hotel “Thraki Palace” the team on the project “Bulgarian-Greek Passport” organized and implemented an Exhibition of companies from cross-border region Haskovo, Evros, Kavala. The following companies and organizations from Bulgaria presented their activities with stands on the exhibition: „Euro Fert“ SA, „Neochim“ PLC, „Delena DD“ EOOD, „Moto Stil“ EOOD, „Nikadon“ Ltd., Winery „Castra Rubra“, Haskovo Municipality and Harmanli Municipality, etc. The Business Incubator in Klokotnitza village and the services it provides were presented on the stand of RMA “Maritza”. The team of Maritza Association also presented – joint Bulgarian-Greek business portal established in business support for the companies and organizations on both sides of the border.
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“This document was created within the project “Bulgarian-Greek partnership through support services and solutions to promote open regional team” (Bulgarian-Greek Partnership by Assistance, Services, Solutions to Promote Open Regions Team / Bulgarian-Greek PASSPORT), funded program of the European Territorial cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013 contract, grant № B1.32.03/14.03.2011, the co-financed by the European Union through the European regional Development Fund and national funds of Greece and Bulgaria. The sole responsibility for the content of the document lies with the RMA “Maritza” and under no circumstances can be considered that this document reflects the official opinion of the European Union and the contracting authority”